• Tamagotchi Connection / Connexion / Plus Questions and Answers. Purchasing and Locating Tamagotchi. Brendan has done a ton of work on the Connection section and also helps moderate the Tamagotchi Forums. For more information about me, go to this link. How was the Connection section created and with what help?
  • Aug 08, 2019 The final way to train your Tamagotchi is when it looks sad or is crying. You need to go to the Pac-Man symbol and then click on Praise. Your Tamagotchi will instantly cheer up, and all three of these methods will increase the training meter by a few bars. The training bar will never go down over time.
  1. Tamagotchi Connection Works
  2. Tamagotchi Connection Code
  3. Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop 2

These English language pets, going by the name Tamagotchi Connexion, are almost identical to the Japanese Tamagotchi Plus (only the language and a few minor items have changed). Tamagotchi Connection, the USA cousin of the Tamagotchi Connexion and Tamagotchi Plus, was released on August 15, 2004.

Tamagotchi Connection

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  • Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 instructions originally on Bandai's Canadian site, now archived by us.
  • Tamagotchi Connection Version 2 Instructions via Tama's Rule via TamaTalk.
  • Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Instructions U.S. version 3 via Bandai's site
  • Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 Instructions via Bandai
  • Tamagotchi Version 5 via Bandai
  • Tamagotchi Version 6 Music Star via Bandai
  • Bandai also posts some instructions and tips on their U.S. site.

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Tamagotchi Connection Instructions is part of the Tamagotchi Connection Information Center.

The Instructions below are for the Tamagotchi Plus, very similar to Tamagotchi Connection and were provided by Bandai in their Japanese 3 Feb 2004 press release.

All functions above are controlled from the three buttons below the screen.The 'left' button is called 'A', the 'middle' button is called 'B' and the 'right' button is called 'C'.

'A' lets you scroll clockwise thru icons at the bottom of the screen to select a function.

'B' is used to select a function once you highlight it with 'A'. It also scrolls through the informationin each function and is used to set the time and date.

'C' is used to return to the main screen from within a function or to unselect all functions in the main screen.

The 'skull icon' means your Tamagotchi is ill and needs at least one dose of medicine.

You can connect your Tamagotchi Connection to another one (if they are both old enough) by using the 'A' button to select the 'heart' icon in the top right corner of the screen. Point the keychain end of each Tamagotchi at each other, then press the 'B' button twice. When you get them connected,they will automatically play games with each other, or visit and leave presents.

Be sure to turn out the light when your Tamagotchi sleeps at night, he will automaticallyturn it on when he wakes up.

Up to fifty friends can be stored along with the level of friendship: aquaintance, buddy, friend,good friend, best friend, true partner (indicated by the number of smiley faces).

TamagotchiSquare offers some tips from translations of two Japanese books providing hintsfor raising Tamagotchi Plus (the Japanese version of Tamagotchi Connection).

The books are Bandai's Tamaplus Raising Guide (Japanese title is 'Kaettekita TamagotchiPlus Suku Suku Sodatekata Guide') and the Bandai Playing Book (Kaettekita! Tamagotchi to Asobu Hon').

Tamagotchi Plus has meters for Hunger, Happiness and Discipline. The books speculatethere are three other variables of importance (Luck Level, Body Needs, and Heart/Spirit).

Luck Level ranges from one to five. If Tamagotchi's Luck level is high, they will beoffered more disciplined (higher discipline level) parters in arranged marriages. Luck Levelis fixed at birth and never changes, but marrying a higher Luck Level partner increasingLuck Level of the resulting offspring.

Body Needs are food, health and discipline.

Heart Needs are happiness, sleep and comforting.

Reacting to all calls within 15 minutes, turning light off within one hour of going to sleepat night and sucessfully playing at least 20 steps in the games (hurdles or dance) help Body Needs and Heart Needs.

Tamagotchi Connection has three buttons just like the original Tamagotchi. They generallyoperate the same way. Several years ago, we posted the original Tamagotchi instructions in four parts:
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Tamagotchi Connection (uk: Tamagotchi connexion) from Bandai is a Tamagotchi that uses infra-red technology to connect and make friends with other Tamagotchi owners and was first released in 2004, 8 years after the first Tamagotchi. The Tamagotchi can make friends with other Tamagotchis and can:
* Play games
* Give presents
* Have tama-babies.Tamagotchi Connection has 6 levels of friendship that can be viewed in the Friends List:
* Acquaintance (one smiley-face)
* Buddy (two smiley-faces)
* Friend (three smiley-faces)
* Good friend (four smiley-faces)
* Best friend (two love-hearts, two smiley-faces, during connection they may kiss)
* Partner (four love-hearts, during connection they will kiss and may have tamababies)

If Tamagotchi Connection cannot find a partner to have tamababies with, a matchmaker will come, allowing you to have a tamababy with a computer-controlled Tamagotchi character.Depending on the version of Tamagotchi Connection, your Tamagotchi will do different things.

'Note: If Tamagotchi Connections are different versions, they can still connect. The Tamagotchi will transform into a mystery character, known as Nazotchi (translation: secret tamagotchi), during connection. The rules for Tamagotchi Connection V1 will apply.'

Tamagotchi Connection V1 (2004)

Tamagotchi Connection Work

Connection Options
* Balloon popping game: First one to pop their balloon wins.
* Eating game: First one to eat all their food wins.
* Giving a present: One Tamagotchi will give another Tamagotchi a present that it can eat, play with or respond to.

Tamagotchi Connection V2 (2005)

Connection Options
1 - Ver 2: Game
* Eating game: First one to eat all their food wins.
* Balloon popping game: First one to pop their balloon wins.
* Tug-of-war: First one to pull their opponent across the line wins.
* Running game: First one to reach the goal wins.

2 - Ver 2: Present
* One Tamagotchi can wrap a present that the other Tamagotchi can eat or play with.
* If no present is wrapped, one Tamagotchi will give the other Tamagotchi a present that it can respond to.

3 - Ver 1See Tamagotchi Connection V1 for more details.

Tamagotchi Connection V3 (2006)

1 - Ver 3: Game

In Ver 3 Game, Tamagotchis play for a certain amount of 'Gotchi' points, ranging from 0points to 30p. Also, the older the Tamagotchi gets, the more games it can play.
* Flag game: The Tamagotchi that gets the most correct flag waves wins.
* Ball game: The Tamagotchi that can balance on the ball for the most time win the grand prize
* Block game: The Tamagotchi that builds the straightest tower wins.
* Race-Car game: The Tamagotchi race-car that reaches the goal first looses.

2 - Ver 3: Present

In Ver 3 Present, when the tamagotchis are old enough, they may look at something together, eg. flowers. When they love each other, they even kiss.For more details, see Ver. 2 Present.


4 - Others

See Tamagotchi Connection V1 for more details.


Tamagotchi Connection V4 (2007)

1 - Ver 4: Game

In Ver 4 game, Tamagotchis play for a certain amount of 'Gotchi' points, ranging from 0p to 500p. Also, the older the Tamagotchi gets, the more games it can play.
* Flag game: The Tamagotchi that gets the most flag waves correct wins.
* Soccer: The Tamagotchi that shoots the most goals wins.
* Block game: The Tamagotchi with the straightest tower wins.
* Hovercraft game: The Tamagotchi hovercraft that reaches the goal first wins.

2 - Ver. 4: Present

See Ver. 3 Present for details.

3 - Ver. 4: Visit
* Phone: Tamagotchis talk to each other on the phone.See Ver. 3 Visit for more details.

Tamagotchi Connection Works

4 - Others

See Tamagotchi Connection V1 for details.

5 - Work

Note: Though this option is on the connection/communicatin list, it doesn't use infra-red communication.Depending on the age of the Tamagotchi, on this command it will do different things:
* Baby: Nothing.
* Toddler: Preschool. The Tamagotchi automatically interacts with the preschool teacher.
* Teenager: School. The Tamagotchi can choose out of 3 teachers - Mr Turtlepedia, the Flower Teacher and Mr Canvas. The tamagotchi then has to pick a gift that it thinks might have a secret item in it. If it picks the right one, the Tamagotchi's life points increase. If it doesn't, a mess drops on the Tamagotchi's head.
* Adult: Tamagotchi chooses a job. The Tamagotchi will do a different thing depending on what job it has.Every 24 hours, the Tamagotchi will go to work and it's boss will give it it's salary, ranging from 1000 points.

6 - PC

This option is needed to visit the V4 online world of Tamagotchi Town( [http://v4.tamatown.com/tamaok.html] ) The Tamagotchi goes off the screen and a Log-In Password is provided. At Tamagotchi Town, you enter the password and Tamagotchi Town appears on-screen. On Tamagotchi Town, you can do many things, such as:


* shop for items and food (up to 100)
* earn 'Gotchi' points (up to [990)
* earn souvenirs
* travel to different countries
* go to preschool
* go to school
* go to work
* play games
* visit previous tamagotchis
* ... and much more.

Also, in the bottom-left corner of the screen will be a picture of your Tamagotchi character, in colour.

some of the codes you can put in the password area in corner shop 2 is only version 4 and 4.5



Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5 (2007)

The Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5, or the JinseiPlus in the UK, is the newest Tamagotchi released outside of Japan. It's a Tamagotchi based on the V4, but with new and updated features. Featuring many new characters, it is a remake of the 'Ura Jinsei Enjoy' Tamagotchi, released only in Japan. Its motto is 'Livin' the Tamagotchi Life', as was the V4. It has different jobs to the V4, and slightly different features, but it shares the V4 ' [http://v4.tamatown.com/tamaok.html Tamagotchi Town] .It retains the feature of skill points, but has new types of them: Funny, Gorgeous and Spiritual. It has five games to play, like the V4: Climb, Tug-Of-War, Apple, Shapes (entirely different from the 'Shape' from the V4) and Manhole. [http://www.tamagotchi.com/pdf/tama_v45_instructions.pdf] Just like Versions 2-4, it has secret codes that the player can enter into the Shop Keeper. The release date for the US was June 25 2007. [http://www.tamenagerie.com/v45.html] The 'antenna' on this version is a star. However for the Jinsei Plus models 3 designs (out of the 1 released) had stars and the remaining 3 ball antennas like the Version 5.(Has nothing to do with Version 5.)

Tamagotchi Connection Code

Tamagotchi Connection Version 5 (2008)

This Tamagotchi is the next Tamagotchi in the Tamagotchi Connection Series. Its motto, according to the package, is 'We are Familitchi!' as in the song 'We Are Family' by Sister Sledge, and according to [http://tamatown.com Tamatown] the motto is 'More Family, More Fun!' The V5, as it is called colloquially, is the English version of the FamiTama and is the first Tamagotchi to be exactly the same (besides language) in Japan and elsewhere, since the Tamagotchi Plus. It was released in Asia on 6th January 2008, Australia on the 10th January 2008 and is to be released elsewhere later in February 2008. A new feature is that you can raise Tamagotchi Families, with 3-5 parents and kids on it. It, however, is not able to connect to the other Tamagotchis in the series. It also has a new website that it shares with the Famitama, the [http://famitama.com Tama and Earth Expo] . According to the package, Bandai quotes, 'The Tamagotchis set up this expo to learn more about Earth.' It contains a central pavilion, and 4 other pavilions representing each of the main areas of the Earth.It also included a TV option where the player can use Gotchi Points to shop on the Shopping Channel, find a mate with the Dating show, or go travelling on the Travelling Show. The Travelling Show is the V5 variation of the pause mode.

External links

Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop 2

* [http://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php? TamaTalk - Tamagotchi Fan Site]
* [http://www.tamatown.com The Home Of Tamagotchi Town]
* [http://v3.tamatown.com Tamagotchi Town for Tamagotchi V.3]
* [http://v3.tamatown.com/lowband/tama.html Link to Tamagotchi Town for Tamagotchi V.3 (Low Bandwidth)]
* [http://v3.tamatown.com/tama.html Link to Tamagotchi Town for Tamagotchi V.3 (High Bandwidth)]
* [http://v4.tamatown.com/tamaok.html Tamagotchi Town for Tamagotchi V.4 and V4.5]
* [http://famitama.com/pc/index_en.html Tamagotchi Expo for Tamagotchi V5]
* [http://www.tamagotchi.com Tamagotchi Connection Home Page]
* [http://www.bandai.com Bandai Home Page]
* [http://www.bandai-asia.com Bandai Asia Home Page]
* [http://www.namcobandaigames.com Namco-Bandai Games]
* [http://www.mimitchi.com/html/tindex.htm Mimitchi.com Tamagotchi Fan Page]
* [http://www.tamadex.auroch.net Tamadex, Your Source for Everything Tamagotchi Connection!]
* [http://www.mimitchi.com/html/tamadd.php Tamagotchi Addiction Test]
* [http://www.freewebs.com/flowerr/ tamagotchi and dedbuging tips for v4 or any thing ]