Tamagotchi Connection
Design Review
Oct 15, 2007 The 2 passwords from this topic are; 1 (gives a play house) 8 (gives a Slide) Thanks to everyone that found these!.this topic post edited by Kyliesmum above. Original Post; i got tamagotchi corner shop 2 for xmas, and as i was.
This Tamagotchi product review is part of the Tamagotchi Connection Information CenterBandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz Company faced many decisions in bringing back Tamagotchi. Marketing, Financial, Distribution and Design decisions to name a few. This paper discusses some of the choices made by them, options left by the wayside, and what might yet come from them and others.Let's start with the name. They elected to call it Tamagotchi Plus in Japan, Tamagotchi Connexion in Europe and Tamagotchi Connection in the United States. On the surface, the name may not seem like a design issue, but each version is different from the others. They each have their own set of games and some other minor changes, plus the case is available in different colors and patterns in each region. Each region and in some cases, each country, has its own set of printed instructions and online support. The rollout began in Japan in May 2004, moved to Australia and Europe, then to the United States in August 2004. Tamagotchi Connection can be broken down into nine design elements. The 'program/game', controls (three buttons), display, infrared connection, case, instructions, packaging, power (battery), extra features, color variations / special models, online support. Each design element is briefly discussed below.
Program / Game
Tamagotchi Connection is 'hatched' the first time by pulling out a small plastic strip covering a battery connection similar to the method used to start the original Tamagotchi.The 'game' is very similar to the original Tamagotchi game, introduced here in Fall of 1997. So similar in fact, many may view it more as a 'retro' product than a new toy. The major change is the ability to communicate via and infrared link to other Tamagotchi. Once 'linked' they can play games, exchange presents, even become lovers and create baby Tamagotchi. Once a baby is created (baby is created on both screens), the parents will 'go away' in 24 hours and all attention is now focused on raising the next generation.
The additional complexity of infrared links and raising children is made possible by incorporating five times the computing power of earlier units.
Back in 1997, Tamagotchi exploded in the United States selling millions of units, then left the scene. In Japan, several more complex Tamagotchi followed the original design, including Mesutchi (female) & Osutchi (male), released in December 1997. This pair of virtual pets physically linked together by removing a 'cap' on each pet and connecting them together, allowing them to mate and produce baby Tamagotchi, sound familiar? Tamagotchi Connection links via an infrared vs. a physical link.
My Osutchi Mesutchi Page nice photo of Bandai's earlier 'linking' pets.
In terms of the 'game' many characters are possible depending on the parents and level of care paid the pet. In August 2003, Banadai was assigned U.S. Patent 6,609,968 for its Rearing Simulation Apparatus. The patent discusses how Banadai calculates degree of 'care' to determine a 'metamorphosis' character.
The actual characters, at least for the Japanese version, have been described and depicted in 'growth charts' in some Japanese Bandai publications. American growth charts are now starting to appear online.
Althought the original Tamagotchi evolved into a number of characters depending on the level of care. Tamagotchi Connection adds another level of character complexity as some pets only appear in 'even' or 'odd' generations and some can only come from certain parents. Many (perhaps most) Americans may never understand the various Tamagtochi Connection characters and how to obtain them. However, the design remains playable even by young children (Age 4 and up as recommended by Bandai). This is somewhat similar to Microsoft Word having complex intricate commands used by those pushing it to the limits, while the rest of us can comfortable use it to create a letter.
Japanese pop culture has taken a strong foothold in the United States in recent years with thousands of followers of Japanese pop music, Anime and other cultural expressions. Those 'caught up' in Japanese culture may find the characters interesting, however everyday American children and women (a target Audience in Japan) might prefer more Amercian characters (raise a plumber, lawyer, engineer, doctor, U.S. president, etc).
As always, there is talk of secret characters and secret codes. More may be revealed in the future or in future pets, but it appears to be an area that is not being significantly exploited at this time.
All in all, the game is little changed from its predicessors, except for the infrared link. Since 1997, children have been mastering much more complex games. Many feel the 'game' should have been significantly enhanced, more levels of difficulty added.
Bandai chose the same three button control system used on the original Tamagotchi. Many users will recall this system, and others can rapidly learn it. The control system required is a function of the 'program/game'. By choosing to remain with the basic 'game' of the original Tamagotchi, the original controls are a nice match for it, but more complex controls could signal a more complex, more interesting, more captivating game.Display
The new larger, higher resolution display is a welcome addition to Tamagotchi Connection. The screen is slightly larger and has double the resolution of earlier units. Backgrounds are obtained by printing them on paper and positioning them behind the screen.The long awaited color screen is just that, still being long awaited. Perhaps future generations will finally bring this feature to Tamagotchi. With kids used to playing complex color games on 'boxes', computers and cell phones, it remains to be seen how many American children are ready for 'retro' black and white.
Infrared Connection
Tamagotchi Connection's infrared connection, called TamaCon, allows communication with other Tamagotchi. You must place the pets very close together and align the keychain (top) ends to point at each other. Once the pets begin to communicate, the can play games, exchange presents, become friends, even marry and create children depending on their sex and age. Many are reporting the three editions (Tamagotchi Plus, Tamagotchi Connexion, and Tamagotchi Connection) can successfully link to one another. For isolated Tamagotchi (no other Tamagotchi to mate with), a 'match maker' appears and begins to offer suitable candidates for marriage.Some Previous 'Virtual Pet like' Interactive Technologies:
- 1987-1988 - Captain Power and Soldiers of the Future (built by Mattel) action figures and toys fired a light beam that seemed like you were shooting on screen 'light flashes' in a special portion of the television show. The show also generated light flashes that released springs in the toys making them just as if they had been shot (even ejected a pilot). They were awarded U.S. Patent 4,844,475 for this concept.
1997/1998 - Actimates (division of Microsoft) Television Pack (an RF transmitter) used by plush interactive toys (Barney, Teletubbies, Arthur and D.W.) to receive instructions from television shows and VCR tapes.
- February 1998- Lovegetty (built by Erfolg) was a hit in Japan. This small device worn on the belt communicated with members of the opposite sex (real people) within about five meters and checked them out for similar interests.
- 1998 Furby - (built by Tiger Electronics) could communicated with other Furby in their line of site (infrared port in their forehead) over much greater distances than Tamagotchi.
- 1999 - the handheld Pocket Pikachu Color (built by Nintendo) is announced in Japan. An infrared link allows it to communicate with other Pocket Pikachu.The communication link allows trading points and presents between two units, plus it could interact with Gameboy Color.
- 2000 - Bandai's Deluxe Interactive Omega Megazord (from Bandai itself) has a docking station that connects to televisions and VCRs. When you watch certain shows on Fox Kids Network, Fox transmitts new phrases and sounds to the toy. When the show is over, it can use what it 'learned'.
- 2004 - 'The Batman' show scheduled for release here this Fall will interact with Batman toys using VEIL (Video Encoded Invisible Light).A detachable device with an LCD screen is used to download materials and interact with the show. Koplar Interactive Systems (Now VEIL Interactive Technologies) recieved U.S. Patent 6,661,905 for work in this area.
On the other side of the coin, decisions have to be made based on costs and power requirements. These are economical portable devices, not high dollar, plug into the wall units. Hopefully we will see either extension of infrared features or other linking technologies in the future.
The new case, similar in appearance to the old one, is considerably larger (perhaps to house the infrared link). It almost fills the palm, where the earlier case was more egg shaped. It is not as 'pocketable' as the previous units, especially not in the very small pockets of young children.Instructions
Tamagotchi Connection Instructions are available on our Tamagotchi Instructions page. Many of them come from Bandai's site. If you print them off the print is very small and may be difficult for many to read.The instructions appear pretty logical and include the normal cautions and hazards. They do NOT provide any information about the various characters and how you might get one vs. the other. The pet does perform one minor privacy invasion of asking you for your birthday (it helps you celebrate it when it comes around).
Original Tamagotchi was packaged in a box resembling a VCR tape box. The outside turned open like a book, revealing a clear plastic window with the Tamagotchi behind it. They had a 'hang tag' hole at the top and stacked nicely into cases. The new version is encapsulated between two layers of clear plastic with a 'hang tag' hole in the top of the assembly. They can be tossed loose into a case (not stacked like the previous version). The original version often showed some wear on the box corners from handling (even before it was sold), while the new packaging is much more forgiving, as well as the toy is in plain sight, not behind a cover.One drawback to the new packaging, is once the pet is removed the packaging is discarded (not reusable), while many kept the earlier box to store their Tamagotchi in.
Power / Battery
Tamagotchi Connection uses only one battery a three volt lithium CR2032 included with the pet. They have a shelf life of 10 years.The earlier unit used two small button cells, LR44 batteries. The Alkaline version is about:You can see the new unit uses one flatter, larger diameter three volt battery, vs. the two smaller deeper 1.5 volt batteries used in the past. The new, single battery model is actually about .7 grams lighter and only requires one set of connection hardware.
Extra Features
Color Variations / Special Models
As with previous Tamagotchi, we anticipate seeing a never ending stream of color variations, special models, and updatedversions.Looking Ahead
First, we would like congratulate Bandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz for bringing back Tamagotchi. In the samebreath, we would like to encourage them to keep incorporating new technologies in new Tamagotchi releases.Tamagotchi Connection Tamatown
Other technologies that might be adapted to virtual pets include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, bar code readers, bluetooth, USB ports, photocells, VEIL (communicate with television), bend sensors and interacting with some of the handheld gaming devices, like GameBoy.
While some may think this is a re-introduction of virtual pets in general, they never went very far away. There were several other virtual pets (VP) in the middle some did not even recognize as VP. Furby, Pokemon, Digemon, Neopets, all sorts of robotic pets (dogs, parakeets, dinosaurs, AIBO, etc) to name a few. Many other VP were released in Japan. The craze just keeps regenerating itself. Its as if Virtual Pets themselves have a virtual life, each format comes back as the next generation VP.Hopefully Tamagotchi Connection will be wildly sucessful and Bandai and the imitators will rapidly adapt these and other new technologies resulting in a flurry of virtual pet innovations. Its not hard to imagine many advanced designs sitting on the sidelines right now to see how. Hopefully we will see them soon!
Reference Materials
- Virtual Pet Patents
- Wireless Virtual Pets for Mobile Phones
- Recent Developments and Trends in Keychain Virtual Pets 1997
- Tamagotchi Square. defines characters in Tamagotchi Plus (Japanese version) and provides a Growth Chart for them.
- Love Japanese Style Wired. 11 June 1998. Reviews Lovegetty.
- Bandai Hatches a Winner Again MindJack. 10 Aug. 2004. Review of Tamagotchi Connection.
- WB and Mattel Team Up for The Batman Toy Line
- VEIL Interactive Technologies
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Tamagotchi Connection Instruction Manual
Select from the following options:
Tamagotchi Connexion
Digital Friends of the World
Instruction Sheet
©Bandai WiZ 2004
Bandai 2004
Tamagotchi Connexion is an interactive virtual pet that will evolve differently depending on how well you take care of it. Play games with it, feed it food and cure it when it is sick and it will develop into a good companion!
Tamagotchi Connexion has some special functions!
- It can communicate with other Tamagotchi friends, play games, exchange gifts...and even have Tamababies if the friendship goes well.
- It can use, play or wear the gifts it receives.
How to Wake Your Tamagotchi
- Pull out the tab from the side of the casing and Tamagotchi will appear after a long beep.
- To reset, press the Reset button on the back of the casing with a pointed object such as a pen. NB: do not apply too much pressure, especially with a sharp object.
- Set up Time and Date. Press button (B), the time screen will appear. Days, month, hours and minutes will be set up one by one using button (A) to scroll and button (B) to choose/set the correct number.
NB: As some special events occur on specific dates, please set up the date carefully. - Set up your birthday date/month...Tamagotchi might celebrate your birthday.
- It will then return to the normal screen. After 1 minute, you will discover if your Tamagotchi is male (black Hebi-Chi) or female (white Hebi-Chi).
- Select your Tamagotchi name using button (A) to scroll through the alphabet and button (B) to choose.
Your Tamagotchi name can contain up to 5 letters. Once you have selected a name, you cannot change it.
The Growth Process
Your Tamagotchi can evolve in many different characters depending on how you take care of it.
How to Make Your Tamagotchi Grow
When Tamagotchi needs something, it calls you with a beep and the Attention icon is highlighted. Check what it needs with the Hunger Meter and play, feed or discipline them.
How to Take Care of Your Tamagotchi
Hunger Meter:
Select the Hunger Meter Icon with button (A) to check the following information regarding your Tamagotchi: Level of Hunger, Level of Happiness, Level of Discipline, Age, Weight, Name, Gender, Generation.
- Level of Hunger/Level of Happiness
The number of hearts you have to indicate your Hunger/Happiness (the more the better!). - Level of Discipline
Number of dots indicates level of discipline (the higher the better). - Age/Weight/Name
Everyday your Tamagotchi lives it becomes 1 year older. Keep it healthy and don't allow its weight to increase too much. - Gender/Generation
Check the gender (style) of your Tamagotchi, boy or girl. Check your Tamagotchi's generation. If your Tamagotchi has had a Tamababy, it will become the next generation of your Tamagotchi.
Feeding Time:
- Press button (A) to select the 'Feed Icon'. Then press button (B) to choose either food or snack. Check your Tamagotchi's hunger level before feeding it or it might get sick or become overweight.
- When your Tamagotchi makes a mess, press button (A) to select the 'Toilet Icon' and use button (B) to clean up.
Play Time:
- Press button (A) to select the 'Game Icon' and press button (B) to choose either the dance game or the jumping game.
- Dance Game: Dance as your Tamagotchi shows you...
- Jumping Game: Press B button to jump over the hurdles.
Connection/Communication (Using IR Sensor)
- 1. Press (A) to select the 'IR Icon'. Then press button (B).
2. 'STAND BY' appears on the screen.
3. Position the two Tamagotchi face to face as shown.
4. Press button (B) to start IR communication. - You can PLAY games together or EXCHANGE GIFTS after connection.
- Exchange Gifts:
One of the connected Tamagotchi may drop a gift. See notebook section to use gift. If you connect several times with your favourite Tamagotchi, your relationship level will increase. - Playing Games:
Your Tamagotchi will automatically play after selection. Playing games improves the happiness of your Tamagotchi, and increases your chances at winning in future games.- Balloon game: First one that pops the balloon wins the game.
- Eating game: First one that eats everything wins the game.
- Developing Relationships:
Your relationships improve and develop the more connection you make with other Tamagotchi. After several connections you and your favourite partner may become good companions. The girl Tamagotchi will give birth to 2 Tamababies. One of the Tamababies will stay with the girl and the other returns to the boy Tamagotchi.
- Sometimes your Tamagotchi can be very naughty or may just need a pat on the back! Use button (A) to select the 'Discipline Icon' and button (B) to choose either punish (when naughty) or praise to cheer up your Tamagotchi.
When to Discipline?
Praise - When it calls/beeps even when it's not hungry.
Punish - When it refuses food even when it's hungry.
- When the 'Skull Icon' appears, your Tamagotchi is sick. Use button (A) to select the 'Health Icon' and button (B) to nurse your Tamagotchi back to health. Sometimes it takes more then one dose of medicine!
- When your Tamagotchi goes to sleep, turn off the lights. Use button (A) to select the 'Light Icon' and button (B) to choose 'Lights Off'.
- Use button (A) to select the 'Book Icon' and button (B) to check your list of 'friends' and 'items'.
Friendship Level: Use button (A) to select 'friend' and button (B) to choose. Press button (B) again to check your level of friendship. Your friendship level improves the more connections you make with other Tamagotchi. Friendship levels are shown below:
If you connect to more then 50 friends 'SORRY !! TOO FULL' will appear. You must delete one of your friends if you wish to add more. Press button (A) to scroll through your friends. Press button (B) to choose the friend to be deleted. You will be asked to confirm your selection by choosing 'YES' followed by 'REALLY'.
Item: Sometimes your Tamagotchi will receive a special gift from another Tamagotchi. You will get to keep this. If you press button (B), your Tamagotchi can play with its gift or wear it.
Note: Not all gifts can be used with all Tamagotchi characters.
The Matchmaker and Having Tamababies
- When your Tamagotchi grow old without finding a partner, a 'matchmaker' may appear to try and find you a partner! If you are unable to find a suitable partner your Tamagotchi will continue to grow old until it passes away.
- You can only have Tamababies if a suitable partner is found.
- Tamagotchi automatically takes care of the Tamababy, except if the Tamababy becomes sick. Then you have to nurse the Tamababy back to health.
- After 24 hours the parent will disappear from the screen, you must then choose a name for the Tamababy. This becomes the second generation of your Tamagotchi. This process will continue as long as your take care of your Tamagotchi and develop good relationships with other Tamagotchi.
If Your Tamagotchi Passes Away
- Your Tamagotchi will pass away if your don't take good care of it. If you want to start again, press and hold button (A) and (C) until a new egg appears. It will hatch after a few minutes.
How to Set Up Time

- To check time in normal screen mode, press button (B).
- To change time, press button (B) to show current time. Press and hold buttons (A) and (C) together until the setting time mode starts.
- Select 12H or 24H clock format. Press button (A) to select and button (B) to choose/set.
Sound On/Off
- Press and hold buttons (A) and (C) together. Select sound ON or OFF.

How to Replace Battery
- Requires 1 'CR-2032' 3V battery. Using a small screwdriver, turn the screw counter anti-clockwise to loosen. Remove back as shown, and remove the old battery. Insert the new battery as indicated in illustration. (NOTE: You will NOT need to change the batteries before using your Tamagotchi for the first time.)
- CAUTION: Keep batteries away from children. Batteries may be harmful if swallowed. NOTE: Make sure you use a new battery.
Reset Option (When to reset?)
- If it is the first time you have activated your Tamagotchi.
- If the screen is not clear, image freezes or does not move after long period of time.
- When you have changed the battery.
After pressing the reset button, you can choose either 'DOWNLOAD' or 'RESET'. If you select 'DOWNLOAD' your Tamagotchi will be restarted from the last major event - waking up, growing up, IR communication. Note: You may need to reset the time. If you select 'RESET', your Tamagotchi will restart from the very beginning. This will erase all entries (Friends and Gifts) from your notebook.
How to Attach Keychain
- Insert the chain into the ring and close it as shown.
- Read the instruction sheet carefully.
- Do not give this item to a children who is under the recommended age.
- This product contains small parts such as batteries, battery cover and screws that may cause suffocation if swallowed by children.
- Batteries, battery cover & screws may be swallowed by children. Do not pass this product to children below 3 years old.
- While replacing the dry cell batteries, please ask a guardian for help.
- Do not swallow small parts like batteries, battery cover & screws.
- Swallowing dry cell batteries is extremely dangerous. Please keep batteries away from Children.
- Batteries are replaced by owners of this product.
- Do not mix old and new batteries. Do not mix different kids of batteries. Please ensure + & - at the correct position.
- Do not recharge, decompose, heat, or dispose of batteries in fire.
- Swallowing dry cell batteries is extremely dangerous. In case that batteries are swallowed, please go to see a doctor for help.
- Avoid rough use such as knocking the product or swinging it around.
- Small parts may cause harm if swallowed by children.
- Contents may vary from photos and illustrations shown on the package.
- Age 4 & up.
Warning: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Not for Children under 3 years.
Check us out at www.bandai-asia.com
Manufactured by BANDAI (H.K.) CO., LTD.
Unit 3018, Tower 1, Admiralty Centre,
18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong.
Age 4 & up.
Not Intended For Sales or Distribution in the USA, Canada or Europe.
[Webmaster's note: If mistakes are found, it is likely to be my fault and not an error in the original instruction sheet. Strange looking bends in the images are the fault of my moody scanner. ^_^]